SAVE THE DATE! Spring Bluebird Festival
SAVE THE DATE! We have recently become members of the fascinating Michigan Bluebird Society, just in time for their spectacular Spring Bluebird Festival. The event will not just deepen our knowledge of bluebirds, but will also celebrate the Society's 20th anniversary!
- Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 23, 2024.
- The educational event will be FUN and FREE, celebrating bluebirds and other native cavity-nesting birds
- The featured Keynote Program: "Captivating Bluebirds" by renowned naturalist, wildlife photographer, and author Stan Tekiela (whose beloved books we carry)
- Expect a Bluebird and Nature Expo, Free Handouts, Kids Activity Area, Prize Drawings and much more!
- Visit the event link for details, including schedule and location: www.michiganbluebirds.org/springfestival
- Pre-registration is only necessary to reserve lunch (lunch is optional for $20.00/person for adults or children)
PS: come visit our store for a solid selection of bluebird houses and feeding options!